
Demi Lovato x Body Image

(via complex)

Hey, all! I wanted to take the time to talk about something that’s a little beauty, a little lifestyle, and a little entertainment all in one! Demi Lovato has been featured in the Oct/Nov 2015 issue of Complex magazine. I’m sure plenty of you have seen her topless, banana cover photo floating around haha. Anyway, in her interview, she discusses a lot about her body image and  how it’s been the inspiration to her new album, Confident, dropping October 16th. Now, I may not be a Demi Lovato fanatic but I always loved her style and how she’s become more liberated and comfortable in her own skin. It’s just plain badass! She is literally just plain badass. The fact that this young woman has been through addiction, eating disorders, and a bunch of other crazy crap and still come up on top is amazing. We’re the same age and I haven’t even gone through 10% of that! I really enjoyed reading her interview and I wanted to share a few of her thoughts on body image that may just help you all with confidence 🙂

As I said before, Demi Lovato was flaunting her body during her Complex magazine photoshoot. She has recovered from her eating disorders but still admits to nitpicking her photos from time to time. She states, “Lately, I’ve been coming to terms with my imperfections and not obsessing so much about trying to make myself perfect,” she says. “It’s a growing process.” Demi’s new album is promoting a new, bolder, sexier Demi and she says it’s the most liberating thing. In her interview, she spoke about a photo that was posted of her on social media where she had cellulite. She claims it was “cellulite city”. She admits that at first she cringed, but once the she read the caption praising her for being comfortable rocking a bathing suit in her own skin, her feelings changed.

Demi also touched upon how curves are now celebrated instead of shamed. She realized the shift in the body image trend…

“For so long, it was the heroin-chic ’90s supermodel thing, and I feel like, when the Kardashians came into the picture, people started to look at it because it was different. They were like, “You know what? That’s actually really beautiful.” From then, I noticed that Beyoncé was thicker, and Nicki Minaj is thicker. When I say thick—like when I call my thighs thick—I love it. I think it’s a good thing. Watching them really helped me learn to accept my body image, too. I’m not naturally super thin. I have an athletic body. I just have to embrace that. There are days when it’s hard to, but more and more, there are days where I’m actually proud of my body”

BOOM. That quote basically says everything worth saying in a nutshell! People tend to miss the point completely and think one body type is better than the other. WRONG. The point is being comfortable in your skin and most of all, being HEALTHY. Whether you’re a size 2 or 10, be a healthy size 2 or 10. Be comfortable being a size 2 or 10. Demi Lovato is on the thicker side, so obviously she’s going to embrace the body image that applies to HER. That doesn’t mean she is putting down any other body types.

I highly suggest that anyone with body image issues or confidence issues period should definitely check out the interview here!


MUA Spotlight On: Jay Moctezuma

Bruce Jenner’s Gender Transition

(via usmagazine.com)

This topic has been huge for the past few weeks and I think it’s about time I wrote something about it. I planned to do it sooner but I got swept up in Super Bowl stuff. Yes, I enjoy football all season not just on Super Bowl Sunday! Anyway, let’s get back to Bruce Jenner.

I’m sure all of you know that it has been officially confirmed that Bruce is transitioning into a woman. Every one in his family took the news in their own way but Kris Jenner is said to be the one who took it the hardest. An insider stated, “She has had a lot to process. She has cried a lot about this, because it’s an emotional thing for her.” That’s completely understandable because I know she didn’t expect it. But now, everyone is on board and is fully supportive of his decision.

I personally think it’s extremely brave for Bruce to be honest with his family and even the media about his transition. Some people were stunned, but I wasn’t AT ALL. Transgender news reporter, Zoey Tur, even stated, “This is not a secret. And it’s not a secret in my community. Bruce Jenner is transitioned.” I feel bad that he had been struggling with this for YEARS and finally can live life the way he has been wanting to. He always seemed so miserable and now it’s said that he is truly happy. So, good for you Bruce!


Kris & Bruce Jenner Separate!

So who called it?! I know I did! Not to sound mean but  based on all the petty arguements they have on TV, it’s evident that whatever spark they had has died. They disagree on almost everything! I always knew that they weren’t right for each other. For one thing, Kris Jenner is way too controlling and domineering. Like can you just let Bruce live?! Bruce is too uptight for her too! So they are polar opposites. Opposites may attract but not for long…

However, they still have love for each other. Who wouldn’t? They’ve been married for 22 years. The Jenners stated “But we will always have much love and respect for each other. Even though we are separated, we will always remain best friends and, as always, our family will remain our number one priority.” Well, I wonder if this spearation is going to be a part of KUWTK. Probably not, since we all know that Bruce isn’t a fan of the having his life on display.