
Book Review: Perfect Match


Hey all! Every now and then, I do a book review for my fellow avid readers out there and it’s about that time. For those of you who don’t know, I love Jodi Picoult novels. They always keep me on my toes because you never can predict what’s going to happen next. This book is the perfect example. If you didn’t know already, Picoult writes her book from the perspectives of each of the main characters. Each chapter is someone else’s perspective of what’s happening, which I personally think is genius. I think that’s one of the reasons why her writing is so great. Not to mention, this book is also New York Times Bestseller ;). I started reading this in June and I would’ve finished it sooner BUT life took over. I finally finished it and I had to share it with you! I’m not going to spoil too much of the greatness but I will talk about the plot basics.

Nina Frost is a prosecutor who’s world is turned upside down when she finds out that her 5 year old son, Nathaniel, has been sexually abused and left traumatized. As a prosecutor, she knows how flawed the justice system is so she inevitably decides to get justice by her own means. That is basically as much as I can tell you without giving away too much! Now if you’re thinking you know exactly how the book is going to end already, YOU DON’T. I thought I did like 4 times while reading and I was wrong. If you’re a fan of suspense and drama novels, this book is definitely for you. Also, it may possibly pull at your heart strings.

You can get it at Barnes & Nobles for $11.57 (paperback) or $11.66 (NOOK/Kindle). If Amazon is your preference, you can get it for $11.33.


A Must Read: Gone Girl

(via Wikipedia)

Hello people! So I’m sure many of you know that the movie Gone Girl is going to be coming out soon – October 3rd to be exact. If you guys didn’t know, it’s based on a novel by Gillian Flynn.

I saw the preview for this movie back in April and I knew I wanted to see it but my friend told me it was actually based on a book. I decided that instead of just watching the movie version, I wanted to actually read the novel. I read it right after #GIRLBOSS. I honestly have to say it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life!

If you’re into suspense and drama THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU INDEFINITELY! It just constantly keeps you on your toes. You may think you know what’s going on, but you really have no idea! It’s ridiculous and I couldn’t put it down. I think anyone could finish this book in 2 weeks or less because it’s so addicting. It’s even on the NYT Bestsellers list. I would recommend this book to anyone. I don’t want to spill any information about it but if you’ve watched the trailer then you already have an idea about the plot. If you haven’t seen the trailer, take a look…


#GIRLBOSS: A Must Read


Hey all! Lately I’ve been on a reading spree. I’ve been reading book after book after book. However, I’ve been wanting to talk about #GIRLBOSS for quite a while now. I finished reading this book in July and fell absolutely in love with it. If any of you haven’t heard about this book, it’s basically an autobiography mixed with some lessons and tips about life. The author is Sophia Amoruso, the founder and CEO of Nasty Gal – a vintage online clothing store. This book is definitely not a how-to. Sophia explains that first and foremost in the beginning. She’s just sharing with you how she became successful and INSPIRES YOU to become a #GIRLBOSS in you own way.

I’ve always had an incredible drive but this book has heightened that drive indefinitely and has made it more consistent. I’m certain that after you read this book, you will want to reach your full potential. You will want to bring that “BOSS” out of you. You will literally want to start making moves. You will realize that even if those moves may not seem like a big deal NOW, they will all come together in the bigger picture.

Sophia says so may things in this book that make you really think about your life and your current situation. She says things that make you think about who you want to be in the long run and how exactly do you plan on becoming that person. The quote that stood out the most to me was

“Life is short. Don’t be lazy.”

It’s literally that simple. If you want something, do it NOW or make moves to achieve it NOW. You need to realize that everything is not going to be easy. As Sophia states…

“A #GIRLBOSS is someone who’s in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it. As a #GIRLBOSS, you take control and accept responsibility. You’re a fighter – you know when to throw punches and when to roll with them. Sometimes you break the rules, sometimes you follow them, but always on your own terms. You know where you’re going, but you can’t do it without having some fun along the way. You value honesty over perfection, You ask questions. You take life seriously, but you don’t take yourself too seriously. You’re going to take over the world, and change it in the process you’re a badass.”

If that excerpt alone doesn’t inspire you women out there to get up and go do something to become great, then I don’t know what will.  Go out there! Get this book. Read it. BE INSPIRED!



OUTRAGED: Alex Pettyfer as Christian Grey

Now before I forget, I had to go on a rant about the outrage I felt last night when I was told that Alex Pettyfer was going to play the role of Christian Grey in the 50 Shades of Grey movie!  I was pissed, simply PISSED! Now first off, the Fifty Shades series was amazing. I read the whole trilogy in 2 weeks. I’m tired of all these uptight women saying it was porn and disrespectful to women. Give me a freaking break. There was no rape or abuse in the book. Yes, there was BDSM (sexual practices involving dominance and submission) in the book but it happened WITH CONSENT so everyone needs to chill the hell out. The book isn’t porn either, there are different themes in the books besides sex. Is there a lot of sex in the book? YES. However, that is not ALL of it! Anyone who read past the first like 10 chapters would know that!

Anyway now on to the movie, Alex Pettyfer is BEYOND WRONG for the part. I have nothing against him, he is a sexy beast! For those of you who don’t know who I’m talking about, he starred in I Am Number 4, Magic Mike, and Beastly. I’ll include a picture in the end. Back to the topic, he is not right for the part! When you look at him, he doesn’t exude Christian Grey AT ALL! Ian Somerhalder is the BEST CHOICE or Matt Bomer. I’m not being biased and saying that only because they are my celeb crushes. I’m saying this because it’s TRUTH! Like anyone who read the series would know they would be PERFECT for the role but Alex Pettyfer?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! My heart shattered when I found this out! Like I wanted to cry. I’m not being dramatic! This movie needs to be epic just like the book! If it’s anything less than that, I’d be HIGHLY disappointed. All my girlfriends are like “OMG I hope it’s just a rumor!!” but with this world, you never know. It’s highly upsetting and unfair.


If you want more info on this ridiculousness? Check out this Hollywood Life Article